I had the pleasure to speak to Al Riney author of the middle grade novel "Sergeant Pepper and Mr Paws".
Al lives in Tennessee with his wife and teenage son. One of his ancestors was Zachariah Riney who taught President Abraham Lincoln in a one-room school in Kentucky. Following in his footsteps, Al is an English teacher now. In his free time, he enjoys PC games and movies and loves campfires and the peace of a mountain lake.
Listen to Al talk about his writing journey and the publishing process. Find out about his beginnings as a writer and his upcoming projects.
Writing ressources Al recommends:
"Stephen King's body of work is a major resource for writing. His book ON WRITING is a great instructional, autobiography, and exemplar text all in one. In addition, Strunk and White's 'little book' titled THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE is a great guide for writers of anything in English."
Buy Al's Novel:
Sergeant Pepper and Mr Paws
ISBN: 978-1946044709
Artwork by Brynahka Vaettir